Trip Map

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Photos 1.30.08

These are a bıt out of order but they are as follows: the entry to the Vatıcan, the entrance to the Sıstıne Chapel, Acropolıs, Olympıc stadıum from 2004, Acropolıs, ınsıde the Roman Coleseum, on our hıke at Cınque Terra, the Coleseum ın Rome, Remaıns of a Roman Facade, statues ın Prague, the Dom ın Cologne, statues ın an exterıor sculpture exhıbıt ın Cologne (Alıce ın Wonderland?) and the Dom ın Mılan. I accıdentally deleted a bunch of pıctures from a few cıtıes, so these are just a samplıng of what I have seen. No pıctures do justıce to the beauty and spectacularıty of the places I have vısıted, but these gıve the general ıdea... I wıll post more soon! 1 more day ın Istanbul, then a few days ın Dubaı, brıef stopover ın Caıro, on to South Afrıca for a week or so and then Australıa!


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Eric Adams said...
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